Unscripted Frequencies

A podcast with Host: Aidan Arredondo and Co-Host: Gavin Antos and their friends.

Podcast Episodes

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About our podcast

This group has come apone the gathering of Shakespeare lingo and Aidan’s basement. Starting a podcast was mentions as a joke from Aidan but when all his friends said yes, we began making working to. make our idea a reality.

Meet the cast

Michelango (Mikey) Kaniewski

Ava Pinelli

Aarush Shirppi


Mariana Ocon

Host: Aidan Arredondo

Co-Host: Gavin Antos

Caleb Walker

Charlie Puterbaugh

Contact us.

Unscripted Frequencies

A podcast with Host: Aidan Arredondo and Co-Host: Gavin Antos, Mariana Ocon, Charlie Puterbaugh, Caleb Walker, Ava Pinelli, Forchin Garett, and Michelango (Mikey) Kaniewski
